No. 13 (2014): Life, War, Ontology: Is it Politics Possible Beyond Sovereignty?

The Political Aristotelianism of Carl Schmitt

Hugo Eduardo Herrera
Universidad Diego Portales

Published 2014-07-20


  • Friendship and enmity,
  • exception,
  • conflict,
  • total character of the political,
  • ethics and politics,
  • Aristotelianism
  • ...More

How to Cite

Herrera, Hugo Eduardo. 2014. “The Political Aristotelianism of Carl Schmitt”. Pléyade, no. 13 (July):107-23.


Several authors show the differences between the thought of Schmitt and the political philosophy of Aristotle. The concept of the political Schmitt’s, with its emphases on enmity, violence and exception seems to be an example of what is precisely not the political philosophy of Aristotle. In this article I want to hold the opposite view, namely that there exists a close proximity between the fundamental concepts of Schmitt’s political thought and the ideas of Aristotle.