No. 25 (2020): Contemporary Critical Theory

Capitalism and democracy in times of pandemics. Interview with Rahel Jaeggi

Rahel Jaeggi
Humboldt-Universität Berlin

Published 2020-07-26


  • forms of life,
  • capitalism,
  • crisis,
  • pandemics,
  • democracy

How to Cite

Jaeggi, Rahel. 2020. “Capitalism and Democracy in Times of Pandemics. Interview With Rahel Jaeggi”. Pléyade, no. 25 (July):197-205. .


Rahel Jaeggi is one of the most prominent exponents of the Critical Theory’s “fourth generation”. This interview conveys her longstanding interest in advancing in the characterization of the physiognomy of contemporary capitalist societies, and in the diagnosis of its tensions regarding the collective making of the political will–namely, the idea of democracy–, in this case in relation to the social and political consequences of the coronavirus pandemics. The interview took place in April 2020, in a context signaled by two important public debates in Germany: the discussion on the crisis’ consequences and the possibility to resume the normal economic functioning, and the rising of demonstrations against confinement policies. Jaeggi argues that the current crisis will make visible long-term issues of capitalist societies and stresses the need of strengthening democracy as the only form to face this situation in a sustainable way. An Introduction to the interview is presented by Camilo Sembler.