No. 24 (2019): Literature and Politics in Latin America

Ana Pizarro: the Amazon’s queen

Ana Pizarro
Universidad de Santiago de Chile
Portada Revista Pléyades número 24

Published 2019-12-28


  • Latin American culture,
  • politics,
  • Amazon,
  • Latin American critique

How to Cite

Pizarro, Ana, and José Leandro Urbina. 2019. “Ana Pizarro: The Amazon’s Queen”. Pléyade, no. 24 (December):215-25. .


This is the first part of my interview with Professor Ana Pizarro, dated on October 15, 2019. On October 17, Ana Pizarro went back to Brazil, to the Amazon, and one day later it began the biggest social uprising Chile has witnessed in the last 30 years. In this kind of interview, in which we introduce the reader the trajectory of the interviewed, apart from the first, the interviewer’s questions are withdrawn to give more fluidity to the narration, leaving thus the scene to the person of our interest.